Friday, February 26, 2010

What's for Dinner??

Dinner planning is absolutely my least favorite part of running a house and family.

I think it is critical that eat together as a family, at the same time every night. There is substantial evivdence to show that this brings families together, fosters communication and decreases risky behavior.

I enjoy sitting and sharing about our days. I like knowing what is happening in my kids' lives at school and with friends.

I also believe that we truly are what we eat, so if we are eating a bunch of highly processed, chemical laden foods, those things may accumulate in our blood, brains and livers. They could interfere, change or interrupt our brains natural chemical reactions, in turn changing our emotions, reactions and thought processes. I like to think of this as "The Cheez-Wiz

I like eating fruits and veggies, I like knowing where they were grown and what they were grown with. I like knowing the meat I am eating was treated kindly when it was living.

I even almost like cooking. But man, do I hate the planning part. It feels like such a HUGE undertaking to think about a whole weeks' worth of cooking and shopping that I just like to ignore it.

I had been thinking I would cook salsa chicken in the crock pot today for burritos tonight. Then things got away from away from me and didn't happen. So what is for dinner tonight?

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