Friday, February 26, 2010

The Occasional Chicken

***back story: we have a friend who keeps a flock of various hens in her backyard. Will loves them and feels very knowledgeable about them.

Will and Sophie are playing in the cluster of trees by our house we laughably refer to as "the woods."

Will comes running out, "Mommy, Mommy, I saw a HAWK!"
"Cool!" I reply.

Sophie squeezes close to me and says, "A hawk. I'm terrified."
"Oh, honey, a hawk isn't interested in you." Reassuring, right?

Will is quick to point out, "but they are carnivores, Mommy."
"True," I said, "But they eat small things, mice, squirrels, snakes, the occasional chicken. But not children."

Will holds his index finger and thumb up in front of his right eye and squinting says matter of factly, "Occasional Chickens are very small."

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