Friday, March 4, 2016

They want to eat. Again.

While feeding the people who live in my house isn't my ONLY task in life, it is definitely one of the most stressful for me.

First of all, I have to do it at least three times a day, every day.

Second of all, they want variety, "But we had that last weeeeeeeek," is not an uncommon thing to hear come out of a short person's mouth around here.

Third of all, they hate variety (uh huh, contradiction, I know), "I only want turkey and cheese sandwiches in my lunch FOR. EV. ER!"

Fourth of all, the outside world has pressured me into being healthy and if there is one thing we can all rally behind (even if it's secretly, inside my head) we all hate kale. And chia seeds. But not quinoa, I love that shit.  The kids, however; they hate it.

But I will continue to foist it on them in the name of good health and expanding your palate even while they refuse to do more than take 20 micro no thank you bites (equivalent to 2 normal bites) because I want you, world, to think I am a good mother.

But really. Honestly, I'd rather just eat cereal over the sink and call it a night.

Things I forced my kids to try last week:

Super yummy cheesy quinoa I loved it. They hated it.
Shepherd's pie None of us really liked it, but I ate it because I'm a grown up.
Crazy delicious cheesy spinach I loved it. Ruby loved it. The others were pissed that there was a vegetable in their cheese.
Soft pretzels Everyone loved these. What kind of monster wouldn't like these?

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