Saturday, March 5, 2016

Car Talk

On the way home from school Ruby (4 years old) pipes up from the back seat, "Mama, I know how to tell if a dog is a girl or a boy."

Me, "Yup, boy dogs have a pe..."

Ruby, interrupting, "No, Mama. not the boy dogs. GIRL dogs have a scar on their tummies from where the doctor cut them and made it so they can't have babies."

A very brief pause

An audible gasp, "MAMA. Could someone do that to ME?"
     (as if some random stranger is going to sneak up behind her)

Me, "Well, yes, if you decide you don't want to have any babies you can choose to have an operation that will keep you from ever getting pregnant."

Ruby, "But mama, what if I do want to have babies later, but I'm sexing with a boy and I don't want to have babies now?"

Me, "Oh. There's a medicine you can take to keep from getting pregnant.  It doesn't keep you from getting pregnant forever, but will work so long as you keep taking it.  There's other ways, too, but the pill is the easiest and most effective."

Ruby, "Huh. Okay."

It's good to have a plan.

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