Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hindsight: Arrangements and Agreements

One thing that is common knowledge is that real estate prices in California far outstrip the rest of the country. It won't be possible for us to sell our 2/3 paid for house in Raleigh and buy a house near Steve's parents. We might be able to find something for which $200,000 could be a downpayment, but it would be small and badly in need of renovation. (This is Crazy, right? $1,000,000 fixer upper) Even if we did find something livable, we couldn't afford the mortgage on a professor's salary.

And this is the thing that will prevent us from moving. (guilty internal sigh of relief)

When I point this out, Steve replies, "Well, maybe my folks can help us a bit. I'll talk to my dad about it."

And that was the beginning of the end of any discussion. Of course his dad was SO VERY on board that just a day later I caught him searching Zillow for a house for us. My in-laws decided they would buy a house for us to live in as an investment property, and then, eventually, we'll inherit it, instead of cash. Awesome. Amazing. Insanely Generous.

hashtag blessed hashtag firstworldproblems Right?

They are truly fantastic people who deeply care about family and want us all near.

And yet, I'm not so into it. I am a stay at home mom. I haven't held a job in 11 years. I am about to sell off the single thing I have that creates an illusion of something close to financial security. I am about to get rid of all equity. We will have nothing to our name but our cars. This gives me the cold sweats.

So we will drive around their town before we fly back to NC and try to figure out roughly where we'd like to be. We have 7 months or so to find a place.

In the meantime I will practice deep breathing and try to ride the coattails of Steve's excitement about moving. What I really do is dive deep into the Outlander novel series and start drinking a lot more.

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