Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rainy day blahs

It's raining. For the first time in what seems like forever. Sadly, it means we're trapped inside on a Sunday. Boo. It's been so very nice to be able to set the kids loose in the backyards with the neighbors sine we've had an early spring set in. (fingers crossed that winter is truly gone)

After a discussion of "all the cool things we could do if we could fly" (wherein the 7 year old knocked my house-keeping skills with "you could dust the ceiling fan") I decided this morning we'd bake more sandwich bread. Sophie did most of the work while Steve distracted the other kids.

Whole wheat-Flax bread
found here: amandeleine.com

We also made Soph's veggie soup for dinner. Last time the kids did all the work, this time they were in the trance that only Alvin and the chipmunks can provide on a rainy day, so I did all the veggie prep, and man, was it faster than I remember! At the last minute I decided to make some yummy cheesy crackers via Smitten Kitchen, too.

Veggie Soup!


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