Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Disorganization 101

Let me start by saying that I am frequently told, "you're the most organized person I know." Not true. In reality I am a fabulous actress.

I am a naturally disorganized person. I assume this is why I love office supplies so much, there's so much hope in office max: post-its and file folders, color-coded labels and pens, note pads and index cards, mmmmm. I love it. I like to day dream about a hyper-organized craft/sewing/office space. The thing is, no matter how hard I try, or what great solutions Ikea can provide, my craft room will always need to have doors to hide the mess. My brain just isn't wired that way. Sometimes I hit my clutter/chaos threshold and I get all jiggly inside and I absolutely must at that instant clean it up!! But mostly, I just don't mind.

There are tons of good reasons to be organized and I have heard and live with them all. Having three kids demands a certain level of order, while I have no qualms about eating a bowl of cereal for dinner every night, I won't give that to them. (this is one of things I am looking forward to about them going off to college in 15 years) I hate planning ahead. My therapist told me that I can't plan ahead because my mom had cancer and progressed quickly. So I am unable to plan more than two weeks ahead, forever working on the premise that you never know what lies ahead. I think it's the ADD, but to each their own.

So now I might be looking down the barrel of therapy and tutoring for Sophie, combined with dance and music lessons for her and Will. Cereal for dinner is looking pretty good.

I am not organized enough to have a kids with any special needs, I have too many of my own. I also don't have enough time, neither in each day nor in her childhood. But I'll do my best.


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