Like most mamas I am good at taking care of my family. I am not so good; however, at taking care of myself. Somewhere around forever-ago I taught swimming lessons at the YMCA. While I didn't always take advantage of my time before and after lessons to exercise I did often enough to stay in decent cardio shape. But like I said, that was forever ago.
The winter holidays did a number on my waistline and I was feeling both pretty blah about Me and pretty stressed about Sophie heading into this year. So I broke down and for the first time in my 16 year dalliance with the YMCA, I walked in and *gasp* JOINED. As a paying member. So I am paying for myself and the kids to be members, as well as a monthly add-on of nursery services (2 hours a day!) for Ruby. Now I feel obligated to go, which has been wonderful!
When I first started working at the Y as a lifeguard, I was in high school. I'd see super fit moms come in and drop their kids for 2 hours everyday while they worked out. And my thought was always pretty negative, "here she is, not working, dumping her kids on someone else, just so she keep her pre-baby body." As a mom of three now myself I realize that's incredibly unfair, but even so, that judgement translated into guilt and maybe shame when I thought of doing the same for myself. Those feelings kept me from really taking care of myself for 7 years!
I am so happy that I broke through those feelings, because I am feeling great. And you know what, Ruby LOVES the nursery. And I am getting ready to try a new work out for me (Bosu) and I think I am going to take Sophie to a beginner yoga class this week. Let's train some focus.
Now, I'm home from yoga, I've had lunch and I really need a shower but Ruby isn't napping. Maybe it's not ALL about me.
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