Sunday, March 14, 2010

Keeping secrets

So at the 5 year check up our pediatrician asks the child, "what do you do if someone tells you not to tell? To keep it a secret?" Both Sophie and Will answered this the same way, "Don't tell!" ugh! I am a delinquent parent! He's writing this down! Probably on the same page with Sophie's answer to the 4 year old question, "what's a stranger?" CPS will be knocking on my door any minute!

Luckily, William is the kind of person you hate to watch a movie with. If he's seen it before there will be spoilers left and right. The kid wants you to be surprised, but the knowledge is just bubbling up out of him. It MUST be shared.

Steve took the kids shopping for my birthday gifts on a Saturday morning. They were out for several hours, they may have even gone to a park somewhere. When they got home the first thing Will said was, "Mommy! Guess what -" That's when Sophie clamped her hand over his mouth from behind. "Don't tell, Will! It's a surprise." He tried to play it off by insisting he was just going to tell me about the park. I reassured him that he shouldn't tell me about the surprise, I wanted to wait until my birthday.

Some variation of this scenario happened again several times over the course of the afternoon.

Before dinner we were getting ready to go for a walk around the block. Will, Ruby and I were standing on the sidewalk waiting for Sophie when Will said, "Mommy, today when were out looking for your waffle iron, we saw a HAWK!! It was so cool!"

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