Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day Jitters

Today is the first day of school for the kids after an exceptionally long, hard, adventurous summer. 

Sophie started middle school this morning.

It's been a fairly gentle start, there was a morning of sixth grade orientation last Friday, there were school photos (Before the school year even starts! crazy) and there was shopping for PE uniforms. We walked and rode her route to and from school several times, making observations and timing each leg. The first day is a wacky schedule so while she was getting ready, I wrote the number of her fist classroom on the back of her hand (She has a color-coded schedule in her binder, this is not passing as organization, I promise) so she'd know where to go after locking up her bike.

She's insanely confident.

Her cousin backed out of riding bikes to school today, but Soph was happy to ride alone. "Want me to ride with you?" I asked her.
 "No, I've got this, mom." 
Off she went. She should be home in about 10 minutes, provided she isn't hanging out in the paring lot chatting with her new friends.

 I guess my jitters could just be the coffee.

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